

Modern age, which is hypersensitive to privacy rights, is somehow uncomfortable. A lot of people positively upload their personal information over the Internet; but at the same time they loudly assert their privacy rights. On the other hand, a society of surveillance is surely proceeding; and in exchange for the violation of rights, we are placed in a contradictory situation where safety is seemingly hung in front of the eyes. As a matter of fact, people do not have so much interest in others. There is no person who is staring at you beyond monitoring cameras. For those around you, your existence is like "Henohenomoheji (seven hiragana characters grouped together to look like a face) of an ukiyoe drawn by Utagawa Hiroshige." Your rights are protected by the "Henohenomoheji."

本展示ではこのコンセプトを表現するため、へのへのもへじによって匿名性を得た肖像画「モナ・リザ」を提示する。また、インタラクティブな体験要素をとして、リアルタイムに来場者の顔の上にへのへのもへじを描きモニターに表示した。映像は監視カメラを連想するモノクロ調とし、顔に上書きされた へのへのもへじ がより強調されるようなビジュアルとした。なお、本展示時期は未だこコロナ渦で来場者全員がマスクを着用しており、顔の半分が隠れている状態でも検出できるよう実装を行った。

In this exhibition, to express this concept, we present "Mona Lisa," a portrait that has gained anonymity by "Henohenomoheji." Also, as an interactive experience, we drew "Henohenomoheji" on the faces of visitors in real time and displayed them on a monitor. The images are in monochrome tone, reminiscent of surveillance cameras, to emphasize the visual of "Henohenomoheji" overwritten on the face. In addition, all the visitors wore masks under COVID-19 during the exhibition period, and we implemented the system so that it could detect them even when half of their faces were hidden.


Director:Satoshi Itasaka
Technical Director:xorium
Material:43inch monitor, camera, PC, print, picture frame
Photo by OWL

Media Ambition Tokyo 2021

最先端のテクノロジーカルチャーを実験的なアプローチで都市実装するリアルショーケース。9回目となる今回のMedia Ambition Tokyoは、リアルとオンラインを組み合わせたハイブリッドな展覧会として、最先端のアートや映像、音楽、パフォーマンス、トークショーなどが集結。
開催場所:東京シティビュー(六本木ヒルズ 森タワー 52階)

A real showcase that implements cutting-edge technology culture in a city with an experimental approach. This 9th Media Ambition Tokyo is a hybrid exhibition that combines real and online, with cutting-edge art, video, music, performances, talk shows, and more.
Date: May 12th-May 23rd, 2021
Place: Tokyo City View (52F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower)

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